Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sin Chan in d house

My Pink Dive Princess is i noticed having a little problem with her Malay vocabulary. No she did not come from a mix parentage. As far as I am concern, I am Malay through and through and my ancestors came from Pattani and Yala of Southern Thai.Many are still there. So is Kanda, he is also a pure Kedahan Malay (well I dont know if he has some relations living in Cocos Island or Madagascar ha ha ha).

It must be the environment of her upbringing I think. She is in her last year in her Kindy where she speaks English and Mandarin. She speaks Indonesian (seriously) to my Maid (as she said Bibik would not understand us in Malay perfectly so she has the habit of translating what we said to Bibik in her own so called Indonesian language) and Manglish to her parents. She spend most of her time in school and with Bibik. At home her friends would be the Tube with Disney Channel all the way and at 5 something, she would accompany her Bibik to watch Indonesian series on Prima which she would refer to as 'Cerita Bibik' until either her mom or dad reaches home. Then only she would be allowed to go to her best friend house next door, Sofea, or she can invite Sofea to come over. They speak Manglish to each other. I always eavesdrop and hence I know that she is having quite a problem conversing in a good Malay. Gila kesian anak aku.

Diva : Sofea, my elbow hurts la

Sofea : What is elbow

Diva : Awak ni, "lutut tangan" la

Later, i found out that lutut tangan is actually her SIKU

One night she came in my room, paled face

Diva : Mommy, kakak nampak TISKU

Me : Menatang apa tisku tu?

Diva : Mommy, rat ok rat. A big one.

One nite, her brother cried downstairs. I asked her what happened to him

Diva : Daddy misplace abang punya 'ANAK KERTAS'

Me : Huh???????

Diva : I dont know la, ask Daddy

Later I found out that she was trying to say "SURAT BERANAK'.

One day she called me in the office

Diva : Mommy, please come home now, u have to send me to school'

Me : Why, what happen to aunty Sara

Diva : Aunty Sawah (trouble in pronouncing 'R' sound ok) punya Mobil rusak"

On another day she told her Daddy,

Diva : Daddy, abang naughty today. Dia main sampai SORE, kumon pun tak siap buat lagi. I have finished mine already

(we get these all the time, infact this will surely the starting point of fire between both of them which will end with a debik from her brother. Dah namanya Joyah kan, kepoh la.

She got bored easily after 2-3 pages of story book in Bahasa but would read her Grimm's Fairy Tales until she could memorized the wording. If I said some numbers in Malay, she would have to count in English with her fingers to find out what number I was referring to.

Well i guess i have to speak like Nik Safiyah Karim or A Samad Said from now onwards and spend more times with her. And probably start a Bahasa Malaysia Week at home. No other language is allowed especially INDONESIAN...Good Lord.

So Bibik, mari kita bertutur dalam Bahasa Malaysia yang sempurna ya.


mamasita said...

she'll catch up with the right pronunciations when she start schooling nanti! Don't worrylah! Let her have her fun time experimenting all those Indon words! Its only temporary.You're doing fine.Kids are like sponges when they click to their Indon maids! Biarkan! hahaha

Mama Huptihup said...

ahaks....aku suka bab siku lutut tu..kreatif least dia cuba la jugak memberi nama yg di rasakan sesuwei kan...

Mimi said...

bibik mmg kuat kan influence kt kids..huhu..anakku yg tak berapa reti ckp and slalu guna single word plus sign language pun da terrer ikut ckp 'yuk' = jom....cehh
Kak..anak2 hang enrol kindy masa berapa tahun?

Desert Rose said...


Ya la, I hope its just an experiment for her. Till then we ols pecah perut la. Dia penah cakap byk betul Banglo kat situ...

I pun pelik apa pulak banglo kat highway ni. We were driving on d north south hiway up north, area gua tempurung tu. U ingat i tak takut ke kot dia nampak banglo bunian? What she meant was Bangladeshi actually tgh buat jalan.


Mg dia kreatif. Hg balik sok tgk la keta aku , dia buat mural ok.


Yg first masa 3 thn, mek tu plak masa 4 thn. Dok rumah lama2 satlagi anak aku cakap mcm Agnes Monica mcm mana? Jadi aku cuba memenuhkan aktiviti depa la. Lagi satu Bibik tu stress kalau dia dok umah lama2, sb dia suka buat semak.

Naz in Norway said...

Waduh! riboooot, riboooot! haha!

Ida Hariati Hashim said...

kak eza,

ni buleh join dgn my kids yang pun cakap entah apa2..but cute ler kan..depa ni cepat besaq tau..nanti kot dah besaq tak tau sembang dgn kita lagi..jadi, biaq la dia nak broken malay ka, english ka..kisse for her frm me..

tireless mom said...

Dear DR

You are right there. Ask bibik to speak Malay properly. Kita ni kan, somehow terikut sangat nak cakap Indon. Selalu accomodate bila bertutur dengan orang Indonesia. Macam lah dia orang tak faham bahasa kita.

Now I speak Bahasa Melayu baku with my maid. Boleh pulak dia faham and cakap. So kids pun ngikut jugak lah.

Salt N Turmeric said...

hahah. tisku tu memang keless! serious kelakar. nampaknya memang you have to have Bahasa Malaysia day at home. Kalau tak naya nanti bila masuk sekolah orang cakap kereta dia cakap mobil!

wanshana said...

Hehehe...This is soooo cute!

"Anak kertas"?. "Tisku"?. "Lutut tangan"?! Should propose all these to Dewan Bahasa. Manalah tau they'll be accepted as new BM words one day :)

Glad my Hilman ada geng...Hehehe! Maybe they can exchange notes :) The other day, he was asking, "Mommy, what's the name of the fruit which has rocks in it? Something like red rocks?"...


Have a great weekend, dear :)

Lee said...

Hi Desert Rose, I really enjoyed reading this.
Wow! Your daughter speaks Mandarin and Indon Malay? Outstanding!

There's a lot of Indon's here and can always detect them easily on hearing them speak...with a 'r' end of words.

You sure got one cute daughter there, ha ha. Good she knows Mandarin.

We have a friend's daughter, 9 years old, speaks English, French, Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese very fluently....she switches languages easily too when playing with her friends in school.

There are 127 different Nationalities in Toronto...and kids tend to pick up languages easily from their friends.

Have a pleasant weekend, Lee.

Desert Rose said...

Kak Naz,

Topan Katrina kak naz.


Baguih la anak2 kita, merapu je kan, suka hati ja nak cakap apa. Aslong as we still understand her,ok la kan

Desert Rose said...


U r right. I dulu mcm tu jugak, cakap slang ikut dia. Pastu I terpikir la, dah hg yg mai dok sini, hg la ikut kan. Tok I punya maid lagi best, cakap Kedah piau punya, akak bygkan la ....


Tulah saya akan cuba sedaya upaya memberi kursus insentif pada pembantu rumah dan anak saya bercakap Bahasa Melayu baku supaya TISKU tidak lagi muncul di rumah saya LOL

Desert Rose said...

Kak Wanshana,

Ha Hilman boleh jadi President bukak kelab Sin Chan, my Dot ni jadi secretary to him.

I still cant get over his Los Angeles bila I tgk Strepsil ha ha.

BTW buah apa yg ada batu merah itu???? Takut nak makan.

Uncle Lee,

According to study kids at d age 4 - 7 are at their brilliance mental state. They absorb everything during this time.

Sis Dyna Rebutia said...

kakak baca kak eja punya marin lagi..anak2 kak eja kes banyak bahasa yang depa tau!yang kat ghumah ni satu ja bahasa...tu pown konpius memanjang..malam tadi macam besa si abang MADNU membelek2 ikan dia kat akuarium..tiba2 dia kata kat kakak.."umi,cuba buka lampu sat.abang tak nampak ikan PENYAMPAH tu pun!"pecah penghut aku!betoi la tu..ikan bandaran dia kata ikan PENYAMPAH!hmmm...oh anakku...

Ibu Adam said...

awwwwwwww.....she's so cuteeeee!!

pinjam buley?