Sowy babe, for the delay. Busy la lately.....Best gak main mende ni. Skrang aku ngantuk tahap Dewa Hindu. So it's time to play. Take it away.
1) Do you think you are HOT?
Hot Tempered , yes.
2) Upload a pic of u?
I am an undercover Federal Agent maaa. Tak bleh letak pic, dikhuatiri
musuh2 lama dan along2 mintak hutang
3) Why do you like this picture ?
Slalu nya pic yg aku rasa aku nampak cun la, but again not for public
viewing (ref to no. 2)
4) When was d last time you eat pizza?
Sometimes last month, after almost 1 hour of thinking and considering what
to eat. Coz aku tak ske sgt mende ni.
5) The last song u listen to?
Lagu Broery apatah tajuknye (laki aku nye CD ok)
6) What are u doing right now besides doing this.
Yawning as i am typing this (u c, if i am so busy i wouldnt do this k)
7) What name u prefer beside yours
Victoria but hack gila apa nak tukaq nama kapir kan. Bukan apa i am a
hopeless romantique person so that name for me sounds very classically
8) People to tag?
Mana ada sape laie selain korang la jugak, reverse balik la kat korang buleh
ke Mimi??????
Monday, December 15, 2008
Tagged by Mimi
Posted by Desert Rose at 12:04 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Posted by Desert Rose at 6:19 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Insiden-insiden siol sepanjang minggu
Posted by Desert Rose at 11:06 PM 9 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Anugerah yang tak Semenggah
Posted by Desert Rose at 1:36 AM 8 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
At hair's breadth
Well I did, encountered an incident that would have let me rested in peace ( or busy bersoal jawab ngan mungkar dan nangkir selama 6-7 tahun di atas dosa2 ku selama ini, ampunilah aku Ya Allah).
Maybe I have experienced it before but I could not recalled it other than this one time yang surely I will remember for the rest of my life.
It happened when we was vacationing in Krabi, Thailand, to be exact in one of the Island.

Posted by Desert Rose at 12:23 AM 11 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Kenangan itu.....
Maka berkongsilah kami beramai ramai, menangisi nasib, lagi sedeyyy sebab tak dapat kutuk Kakak Doremon dan kaum kerabatnya sebab dia ada kat situ gak wuaaaahhhhh. Nasib lah baik, bekalan bahan mentah yang dibawa masih berbaki berpikul2. Dan ada la plak periuk nasi letrik cinoni yg dibekalkan oleh ibuku yang mithali. Jadinya, seperti berada di khemah pelarian we ols masak la nasi dan lauk pauk di dalam periuk tu untuk dimakan beramai-ramai. Masa nilah muka2 masamkelat sume kuar sebab terpaksa berkawan ngan Super Duper Bitch Fiona , d alien from Jupiter (ex boss kekdahnya kita bleh kutuk ok).
Dipendekkan cite, we ols dapat la pulang ke Tanah Air setelah 3 hari berkelana kat situ. Azabnya dok Korea sebab makanan lah. Dah la plak D great tu perut Melayu Totok, itu tak makan itu tak lalu. Dah darurat camni pun banyak la songeh kalau bukan laki dah aku jotos kepala dia tu. Syukurlah anak bertuah aku bukan anak bapak, sumenye bedal.
Dan ketika lagu Winter Sonata berkumandang di corong radio (or was it TV) di bumi Korea ketika itu, kelihatan lah sekumpulan wanita - wanita jelita yang bengkak matanya teringat kat rumah yang dah seminggu ditinggalkan, masing masing berpelukan di atas katil, sejuk dan sedih.Di luar salji masih lebat...........
Posted by Desert Rose at 12:23 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I 've lost a friend once because of my insensitivity. It happened when you are tree somes. One might have felt left away. Maybe I was paying too much attention to one until the other one kecik hati. When I realized it, It was too damn late, the hurt she felt was unbearable, even thousands of apology I have offered could not undo her pain...It was such a regret, one of the biggest mistake I have ever made in my entire life, loosing a dear friend like that. I tried to rekindle, catching up with her, but I guess we both have changed. But deep inside I know she still cares for me and so do I . I seldom regret, things happened the way it supposed to be. It is Him who has the final say. But as for this one, I understand the truest meaning of regret.
And there are times when I am happy to loose a friend, although it might have sounded pretty mean. I lost this super duper bitch friend whom I once regarded as 'best friend'. Sadly, she failed or too dumb to understand what best friend suppose to be like. Of course there are no best friends rituals or rulings to be followed but obvioulsly it is not shooting your best friend on the back. I was naive to have the thoughts that my best pal would share my sorrow during my gloomy days or at least be a shoulder for me to cry on ( like I did for her, offering my shoulder, my money, my home to her comfort, sialan). Every sad story, every secret I confided to her had been told and retold to hundreds of others but of course to my dismay, cerita2 itu telah digubah dan ditokok tambah dengan sesedap rasa tak hengat. Sehingga aku terasa seperti Fasha Sandha yang penuh kontroversi itu. Until me myself was so amazed with the 'story' of me, sampaikan ku terlupa cerita akukah itu, fuyoooh. Sungguhlah perempuan itu berbakat menjadi penulis skrip.I would have suggested that she go and mintak kerja with Apek David Teoh tu, but I am soooooo not talking to her ever again. Eventhough di dalam dunia ini hanya tinggal aku,. dia dan Tenuk, haruslah aku hanya akan bercakap dengan tenuk itu adanya. Mynn, over to you.
That is what I call a total betrayal (although aku telah merasakan total betrayal part 2, well that is a different story, different entry, well not until I am strong enough to blog about it anyway). This time aku regret gak, but not regret of losing her but regret ever knowing her. Doesnt old friendship means anything to her? What is she anyway, manusiakah atau mangkuk hayunkah atau beruk?????
I 've known her since kindy days. I always thoght she was shallow but its ok rather than BANGANG.She kills I tell U. To sum up, I think of her as cannibal, why? Habiss kan memfitnah tu kan dosanya sama macam membunuh and mengumpat tu macam memakan daging saudara sendiri. Harus banyak lah daging2 aku yang dia dah makan. Nahh meh sini aku makan daging ko plak.
And there are some langau and lalats yang tidak tahu species asal nya dari mana dan telah bermutasi menjadi manusia and tetiba je jadi bes fren. Tetiba as if she knows everything about me, memfitnah aku kat kat Prof feberet aku. Celaka punya mamak. (tidaklah aku have any grudges over mamak, aku pun suka makan nasi kandar apa). Sampai mati pun aku tidak akan mengampunkan dosa kau. Nak je aku sumpah muka anak dia (kalau boleh beranaklah kan) sok ada macam aku so dia akan ingat dosa dia kat aku selama dia idup, tapi itu bermakna aku turut berdoa agar anak dia lawa macam Jessica Alba, (ehem) , terpaksa la aku kensel.So kepada minah kengkang itu, just because aku ni over secretive to you, tak bermakna la aku ni jahat, that simply means I HATED U and we would never be friends, kat atas muka bumi ni or kat akhirat pun, never.
And recently I lost a friend due to her own foolishness. This case aku malas nak komen. A rather interesting case study for any calon doktor mental though. But I have no interest. Ini kes kaduk naik junjung yang lupa daratan. Masa susah, kau lah ratu, kaulah raja kaulah intan berlian segala, walaupun aku tolong tapau lunch aje. Bila dah kaya(p) kekwat tak hengat. In short I think it is a stage of mental illness.Boleh jalan. Kenapa lah aku banyak jumpa orang gila ????????
Posted by Desert Rose at 12:01 AM 9 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Posted by Desert Rose at 7:08 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
If there is an award for the most 'silliest' radio commercial, and I were the jury, I would definately choose the one of Kementerian Pelajaran featuring Faez Khaled theAngkasawan, wa ha ha. Inter alia:-
" Wah abg ni mejar faez khaled kan angkasawan negara tu, ceritalah sikit macam mana nak jadi macam abang."
"Abang tak penah ponteng sekolah"
"Oh ye ke , saya mintak diri dululah, dah lambat masuk kelas ni"
Waha ahaa very d kelakar, nape budak yg ponteng sekolah tu macam baca skrip kat buku teks je.Lawaks tahap cipan. I bet Abg Hisham ensem tak penah dengar iklan ni kat radio Era or Hot FM.
Sape le yg approve kan iklan ni, puak puak PR kat Kementerian Pelajaran ke? Kena tukar la ini orang, kureng kualiti...or maybe budget rendah nye pasal kot, kan minyak naik ari tu eh?
Tak pe memandangkan minyak dah turun buat lah iklan yang lebih bermutu sket, benci aku dengar...
Posted by Desert Rose at 8:57 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Oh Anakku Sayang
I am a middle child but my 'approached' was kinda different than of Mak Aji. I was so 'hungry' for attention from my parents.Trying hard to get every attention from them.U see I was their baby daughter for a loooong years until that mischievous creature came into our life.
And all my aunts and uncle acted like tak sekolah punya worang dok la nyakat2 I. Said something stupid like my mom & abah would not sayang me anymore since they had a baby boy (ptuihh).
Ended up I got blue (or was green ahhh?) with jealousy at that timid little baby boy. I even one day picit his nose and pulled his ears on the other day. When he cried ahhhh satisfaction of the highest rank ( Abi, if you read this I'm soooo sorry k, it wasnt me it was the devil who whispered in my ears to do that awfull things I did ha ha)
That went on and on. I gave a hard time to my parents as well as to our maids. Mind u, I 'd suceeded in making 3 maids quit woooo was I a difficult child or not. Malas la mau detailed apa gua sudah bikin but quite devilish la.So if my kids would one day read this stuff, there goes my 'The best Mom of the year' award.
Sadly, nobody understood how I felt. Boy, it was heart wrenching experiences tau. I felt so lonely since my both left and right neighbours were menopaused, expired chinese aunties....Nak kawan ngan sapa? But THANK GOD i dont really resorted to imaginary friend what soever. Nevertheless, I like to act in front of the mirror, rummaging thru my mom clothes (one reason why our maid nangis her heart out every day he he). I missed my mom & dad especially when I need to go to afternoon session and both my parents were teaching in the morning. Sooo, I always made up sickness la, excuses to be absent from school, (having done this I managed to rule out that headache and stomach ache are the best ailments since the GPs could not really find out what's wrong with me ahakkkk)Reason being, I could have a longer time with my mom & dad. If not, by the time I got back from school it was already late evening.
However, there was one incident which made a huge turning point in my life, from cruella de ville twin sister I transformed into a divine one. My dearest brother had a fit. Luckily , I didnt go to school (cant remember my excuse that time). I saw that helpless poor thing in his cott ..... still remember how I ran to my next door neighbour my aunty King (whom her jem tart was sinful) knocking like hell on her door. To sum up, I was rewarded the best sister ever by my parents. Apart from that, it made me realized how much I love my baby brother.
And now the cycle of life turned. My Tok used to say if your kids are naughty dont blame them . It is actually punishment from Allah, to let u insaf on your own behaviour when u were small. Well enuff said.
I am losing my mind with my second born argggghhhhhh.
to be continued
Posted by Desert Rose at 11:23 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
No, No, dont leave your kids in the car
Somehow or rather, i got pissed off with parents who leave their kids in the car to go off for their errands. Oh please...
I encountered an incident 2-3 weeks ago. I went for our routine "once a week nasi lemak breakfast' with my husband after our adventureous cycling exercise. While my hubby was paying, I went outside and saw a car with 2 kids inside. Two boys around 4 and 1 plus of age. Their mom/dad was not in the scene.
Mak depa sungguh bijak bestari bukak a little peep of the wind screen kat belakang. Maybe untuk pengudaraan anak2 dia la kot. But the elder boy dah keluarkan kepala dia ikut windscreen tu and his head got stucked in between.
I was frantic (like usual lah). So I try to 'save' him. Tolak kepala dia masuk dalam. The baby dah melompat-lompat and macam nak jatuh ke bawah. So,I talked to them make them sit still while Mommy was taking her own sweet time buying breakfast.
Then came a lady, terus masuk dalam keta without buying anything. I assumed must be their mother la. And I walked away. Maybe she saw me talking to her kids and MAYBE she thought I was going to kidnap them (ha ha ha).
Anyway, glad that I made her showed up. Kids security need to be our utmost priority. Bads,unbelievable things could happen anywhere, anytime. I 'm calling all mothers reading this post, if u see any possible unfortunate scene, please try to prevent it from happening. Use our motherly sense as our male counterpart don't really have it.So can't count on them.
Posted by Desert Rose at 12:56 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Bila tiba masa tu........
Is it common to have symptoms like these :-
- feels like my head is about to explode
- throbing pain in my boobs, feels like taking them off for a while
- unbearable back pain
- everything piss me off i mean almost everything literally....
- i would eat my kids for heaven sake especially when they scream
- i would have leave my husband the instance he nag me for not swtiching off the air cond
- i would fire my maid for being pekak
- bloated, bloated, bloated
- oh how i hate pre mensTRUAL syndrome.........
Posted by Desert Rose at 7:51 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Minyak naik lagi....again
Sebelum ni...dibandingkan dengan Indon, Singapore and Thailand? Now, only Singapore meh? Why? Because our price now is higher than Indon and Thailand.
And he goes on saying, dont compare with Brunei, Brunei is special....plakkk.
Sape yg terkesan sekali dengan kenaikan? Tentulah rakyat especially yang low income. Berbaloi ke bagi rebate RM600 lebih setahun, cukup ke tu? Pak Menteri yang berdegar degar cakap "its inevitable, kita terpaksa tunduk dengan harga minyak dunia", tu tahu ke kesengsaraan hidup rakyat? He was appointed to his post mind you, not elected by the people ( I seriously think Pak Lah should be more sensitive and rational bila bagi jawatan pada Menteri Kabinet.
Minyak naik bermakna satu catalyst untuk harga barang lain akan turut naik. Adat urban kat Malaysia ni memang macam itulah ...
Dan sejurus pengumuman dibuat oleh Perdana Menteri kita yang tercinta, yang tak kisah that that announcement would definately membuatkan popularity dia yang hanya ada sisa-sisa tu makin berkurangan, maka rakyat jelata pun ( termasuk lah diriku ini ha ha) bergegas memenuhkan tangki minyak.
Menarik sungguh situasi ini, setiap petrol station dibanjiri manusia sampai berlengas lah ketiak Bangla-bangla . Berhemat sungguh rakyat Malaysia. Taat setia kepada Pemimpin. Kalau lah Indonesia yang umumkan minyak naik mesti rusuhan lah kat Jakarta.
But then again...kita nak buat apa? Kite boleh ke buat apa-apa? Terserah kitalah. Kalau kita redha, boleh jadi satu hikmah untuk merapatkan ukhuwah.
For instance, kalau sebelum ni suami bawak kereta dia and wife drives her own, why not esok pergi keje sama.? Boleh sembang2, catch up berita terkini pasal diri masing-masing and anak2. Maklumlah orang lelaki ni ingatan lemah, cuba check tah-tah anak dia dah berapa orang pun dia lupa kot. So this the time nak rekindle your relationship yang suam-suam kuku.Lagi bagus, goreng cekodok dulu, makan sama-sama dalam kereta. Kan ke romantika d amour tu namanya. Save lagi...Kalau minum kat luar kurang-kurang 2 orang RM10. Belum masuk kes belanja kawan2 lagi. Maklumkan suami kita kan pemurah orangnya.
Bagi yang belum kahwin, boleh car pool ngan kawan2. Kalau sebelum ni buat hal masing- masing, nilah masanya nak tau kawan tu ada tak adik ke abang yang cun, boleh dikenen.
Looking at a wider scnenario, i remember a saying " Politicians are like dirty diapers, they need to be changed and..often'. So, time to change? Fikir-fikirkanlah
Posted by Desert Rose at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Hi world.....
Posted by Desert Rose at 6:27 PM 0 comments